Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Dinner Sign-Ups

Game days during the season take the whole afternoon/evening. Games start as early as 3:30 pm and don't get over until around 8:30 pm - often with added travel time! Therefore, we ask that parents help our team by providing one dinner a year to keep the girls fueled and fed for all that energy they're expending. We have 24 girls on the team this year and 21 games, so there will be 3 games (designated on the sign up sheet with an (**) in front of the date) where we will ask that you double up and have 2 sets of parents work together to provide those meals.

It is a "First Come, First Serve," system, so get signed up quickly, especially since we have our first game on November 22nd! Please also be considerate of the financial needs of each other; if there are any problems with providing a meal, please feel free to contact the coaches about it and we will be more than willing to work with you  - we understand that not all financial situations are the same. With that same idea, remember there are 3 games that require 2 sets of parents and an endowment game that is only for varsity, it would be helpful to sign up for one of those. Below is the link to the sign up sheet:

Dinner Sign Up Sheet 

Home dinners need to be ready at 3:30 pm. For away games, some schools allow accommodations for hot lunches, but for the most part they will not be any such accommodations and will need to be sack lunches. Therefore, we ask that you you please have sack lunches to the school by 1:45 pm or at the visiting school by 3:00 pm (or if it happens to be a school that allows for hot lunches, to have it ready by 3:00 pm). This allows a time for all the girls to eat at some point during the day. There are 24 girls on the team, but including coaches and managers, please provide enough for 30-32 people and remember these girls will be hungry after games!


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