Thursday, September 15, 2011

New team member requirements

The following are the requirements to be a part of this year's team. You can begin to compile all your forms and other requirements now. We would like all forms and fees to be ready to be turned in together on November 10.

Physical Form (either A or B)
* Form A (click here) is for anyone who HAS NOT been on a Davis High team. It requires a doctor's signature so please make arrangements to have this ready by the deadline.

* Form B (click here) is for anyone who HAS played on a Davis High team (either this year or a prior year) It requires a parents signature.

Hazing Form
(click here) signed by both parent and player

Concussion Form
Informative video (click here for the link) to watch and become educated about concussions
Signature Form (click here) for the form to sign after watching the video

Fees - payable to DAVIS HIGH SCHOOL- we will all go down to the office and pay together on Thursday Nov. 10 during practice. If you want to pay online, please do so prior to Thursday and send a copy of the receipt instead of a check. (Click here) for the total due and cost breakdown. If you are on a fee-waiver, then we will need to get the appropriate paperwork filled out for that.

Fundraising business sponsors-each girl will be asked to submit 3 business sponsors. The forms to take to the businesses are available at open gym, please ask Coach Jones or Coach Wright for them. Click here to see the list of businesses that have already been contacted (please fill in any contacts you make ASAP so that we do not duplicate and cause them undue trouble) Note: if you do not wish to solicit any business sponsors, a suggested $100 donation (tax deductible) could be made to the program instead.

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