Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Contact List

 CONGRATS! You made it! You did it! You are now on the 2019-20 Davis High School Girls Basketball Team! We want to thank you ladies for coming out to tryouts and to thank your parents, in advance, for the hard work they are about to put in as well. Now the fun (and work!) begins. Being a part of the Davis High team is no small accomplishment and with that comes a lot of responsibility. Being a part of a team takes commitment, dedication, unselfishness, grit, and sacrifice. We have full confidence in you girls and can't wait to get started!

Below you will find the link to the Contact List. PLEASE update your contact information with both the athlete's information AND a guardian's information. This year, we are trying to expect the unexpected with COVID regulations and possible game changes and we NEED to be able to get ahold of everyone. 

If you are a returner, please make sure everything is updated and correct. I still have some returners who haven't filled out their information at all. Thanks everyone!

Here is the link:

Contact List

Dinner Sign-Up Sheet

 Thank you everyone in advance for helping us out with dinners for the team! We can't say thank you enough. If there is any problem financially, please let us know and we can easily change things or help you out. We appreciate all of your support on this unique year. Below you can find the link to the Dinner Sign-Up Sheet via Google Sheets. Please put your name and a contact number we can use to contact you in case there is a mix up or something changes.

There are 5 games you can have 2 sets of parents sign up on, marked with an asterisk (only 5 because we have sisters! They get their own day!) Please only double up on the games that are designated as such. If you have not signed up for a day to do dinners on by the end of the day tomorrow, we will have to assign it to a family and tell your daughter which day it is.

Thanks again!

Here is the link:

Dinner Sign Up Sheet

Monday, November 16, 2020

Daily COVID-19 Screening

Hey everyone!

Thanks for understanding as we adjust the way we do things to accommodate for precautions regarding COVID-19. We want everyone to feel safe and excited for the season this year!

Below is a digital version of the pre-screening questions we have been asked to fill out every day. In order to make check-in quicker and more efficient, we ask that each athlete take the quick health survey before you enter the gym to practice. We will be reminding you daily to answer these important questions, but we hope that this will be a habit that we wont have to nag you about all year long. 

You can find the Health Survey link below:

Digital Health Screening Survey

Thanks everyone, and GO DARTS!


Because of the recent State of Emergency order issued by the Governor, the Davis School District has postponed tryouts until Tuesday, November 24th at 3:00 pm and will only be a ONE DAY TRYOUT in order to get right into our season.

Tryouts will be held in the Auxiliary Gym and each athlete must be registered on RegisterMyAthlete.com before BEGINNING tryouts. 

Once the team is made, the schedule will be as follows, please note important dates such as the Parents Meeting and Team Fundraiser. We appreciate your flexibility and patience as we navigate this ever-changing basketball season:

Wednesday, November 25 at 9:00 am: Practice at Davis High School

Thursday November 26 - Sunday November 29: Thanksgiving Moratorium - No Practices 

Tuesday, December 1 at 6:15 pm: Parents Night/Information Meeting, place TBA

Saturday, December 5: Team Building & Fundraiser directly following practice. 

Otherwise noted, practices will be:

A-days: 1:00-3:30 PM

B-days: 2:45 weights and 3:30-6:oo pm practice

**Fridays are on an A day schedule!**


Other important information: As of right now, the Viewmont Endowment Game has been canceled and we will have the rest of the games as scheduled. You must have a physical completed in order to play in the FIRST GAME. The school is working on a new date/time to do physicals at the school as they have in the past, we will let you know as soon as possible when we have more information. 

Thursday, October 22, 2020



2020-21 Season Tryouts will be held on the following dates:

  • Monday, November 9th from 3:00 pm until 6:00 pm in the AUXILLARY GYM
  • Tuesday, November 10th from 3:00 pm until 6:00 pm in the MAIN GYM
The team will be finalized after tryouts on Tuesday. Everyone MUST be registered on www.registermyathlete.com in order to tryout. Furthermore, everyone must fill out a Health Screening Survey, sanitize their hands and have their temperatures taken before entering the gym each day. Mask are required for entering and exiting the gyms, but not during basketball play. 


There will be a mandatory parents meeting on Thursday, November 12th in the choir room at 6:15 pm following practice. Masks are required for this meeting. 

Lastly,  we will have a team building activity and fundraising phone calls that Saturday, November 14th at noon directly following practice.

We look forward to this year! We recognize it is unlike any previous years and ask that girls and parents be mindful of others, be smart about the activities you choose to engage in during the season and be aware of your own health risks. We will do every thing we can to ensure we have a season this year and ask that you do the same. We want this to be a good experience for everyone involved and will work hard to achieve that... thanks for doing this with us this year! 


Saturday, September 12, 2020


It's finally here! We are ramping up for the season as fall begins. Open gym will be held, starting NEXT WEEK on Monday, September 14th. The schedule is as follows:

Dates & Times

  • September 14 – November 4:
  • Mondays – A-days: 4:00-6:00 pm  & Wednesdays – B-days: 5:00-7:00 pm 
             *because volleyball is in the main gym and is the priority sport in the fall, we will probably  have begin the hall until they are finished with their practice on Wednesdays.

The cost is $25 – this helps with a bit of fundraising for us…Please pay this in the office under girls basketball and give your receipt to Coach Jones – pics of the receipt work great too!!

Tryouts are Nov. 9th & 10th times TBA

Everyone must be registered on www.registermyathlete.com  to tryout and have a new physical each year to play in the first game. The athletic dept. WILL NOT be conducting physicals this year. Please get each of these done as early as possible. It is also important that everyone get a flu shot this year!

We will have more info to follow soon on COVID protocols. Please, everyone stay safe and healthy and do your part to help everyone else stay healthy. We want everyone to be in school and to have a girls basketball season this year.

Please forward this info on to anyone you think is interested in participating in open gyms at Davis High School.

 Please let us know if you have any questions.

 DHS Coaching Staff

Thursday, March 5, 2020

CANCELLED DHS Basketball Summer Camp 2020

CANCELLED                           CANCELLED

Come join the DHS Girls Basketball Team for the 2020 Summer Camp held on June 1 - June 4th!
Below is the information and at the end there is a downloadable flier for the year, please feel free to share it with your neighbors and friends. Can't wait to see you there!

Davis High Girls Basketball Summer Camp 2020

June 1-4, 2019 @ Davis High (Monday-Thursday)

7th-10th Grades: 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm (Girls only – Main Gym) $70.00

K-3rd Grades:­ 1:00-2:30 & 4th-6th Grades 2:45-4:15 pm (Boys and Girls-Small Gym) $40.00

Camp will start promptly at 1:00 pm on June 1st & 2:45pm!!  Please pay in the office prior to camp start time to make sure you are officially registered and receive a t-shirt. Make sure it goes into the Girls Basketball account. The office is open from 7 am - 3 pm M-F. Attach receipt to this form and turn into Coach Jones.

Player Information:
Name: __________________________ Age: ______

Address: __________________________    Phone Number: __________

School (2020-21): ___________ Grade (2020-21): ___

Please Mark Which Camp you’ll be attending:

7th-10th Grade Camp: _____   K-3rd Grade Camp: _____  4th-6th Grade Camp: _____

Same family discounts: 1st child full price, 2nd child $5 off, 3rd child $10 off

Price includes instruction from Davis High coaching staff and a t-shirt

Please circle your T-shirt size: *if you register a day late, you will not receive a camp t-shirt*

YOUTH:  S   M   L   ADULT:   S   M   L   XL

Please make all checks payable to Davis High School. For more information, please visit our blog @ www.ladydartsbasketball.blogspot.com

*camp fundraising funds used to pay camp coaches, camp t-shirts, camp snacks & awards. Any remaining funds contribute to equipment & supplies for DHS Girls Basketball program.

Participant/Parent Statement of Agreement

I hereby consent to the above named student participating in the Davis Girls Basketball Camp. I understand that all activates are VOLUNTARY and that my child does not have to participate unless she/he chooses to do so. I recognize that the risk of injury is inherent in all sports participation and by having my child participate I voluntarily accept an assume the risk of injury to my child.

In exchange for allowing my child to participate in the Davis Girls Basketball Camp activities, I agree to release from liability, agree to indemnify, and hold harmless Davis High School, any Davis High School staff, agent, officer, or Davis High School employee acting within the scope of their duties, for any injury to my child’s person or damage to their property.

Insurance Information:  Insurance Carrier: __________________     Policy #: __________ Group #_________

Parent Name (print): _____________________           Parent Name (Sign) ____________________________
Downloadable Image:

Spring Open Gym

Open Gym Sessions will be held on Mondays & Wednesdays from April 6 through May 27th from 4:00-6:00 pm

In these sessions we will be working on individual and team fundamentals and full court scrimmages. Please, don't forget.... The work begins NOW for the '20-'21 season.

In case of bad weather, the spring sports may have to use the gym. We may have to cancel or move to the aux gym. Check your emails/phones for messages on updated information when weather is bad.

  • June 1st - 4th from 1:00-4:00 pm
    • This session is for GIRLS (only) going into 7-10th grades in the '20-'21 school year
  • June 1st - 4th from 1:00-2:30 pm 
    • This session is for boys & girls going into K-3rd grades in the '20-'21 school year
  • June 1st - 4th from 2:45-4:15 pm
    • This session is for boys & girls going into 4-6th grades in the '20-'21 school year

Senior Night Photos (& Selective Action Shots)

Below is the link to the Senior Night Photos. You can download the images there at no cost using the
password: 2020DHSGirlsBB

Link: https://proofing.larryolsenphotography.com/gallery/2020DHSGBBSeniorNight

Also, below are links to action shots of the games that the photographer, Larry Olsen, attended of ours - At Clearfield, vs Clearfield and vs Syracuse. Photos from these games can be purchased right from the gallery (links) and there is an option to get all of the images of a player (including the images from the team photoshoot) at one low price.

At Clearfield: https://proofing.larryolsenphotography.com/gallery/2020CHSvsDHSGirlsBBGame

Vs Clearfield: https://proofing.larryolsenphotography.com/gallery/2020DHSvsCHSGirlsBBGame 

Vs Syracuse: https://proofing.larryolsenphotography.com/gallery/2019-2020DHSvsSHSGirlsBB