Congrats to the 2014-15 team!
Please take a few minutes to fill out the contact information for your athlete. You can do so by clicking on the following link:
You will notice you are redirected to a sharable google doc, please enter the information for your athlete or if any information we have from previous years is incorrect, please make the quick corrections to keep us up to date. It's that easy!
We also will need help with dinners for game-days again. You will notice that the 4 pre-season away games have an (*) by them, this designates that 2 parents will need to work together for these dinners, instead of just one by him/herself, due to the fact that we have more players than games scheduled (not including the State Tournament) and we want to make sure everyone is involved. It is a "First Come, First Serve" system so get signed up quickly, especially considering our first game is in one week! If there are any problems with providing a meal, please feel free to contact us about it and we will be more than willing to work with you. Home dinners should be ready at 3:30 pm and for away games, please have lunches to the school by 1:45 pm or to the visiting school by 3:00 pm.
Thanks for all of your continued support and help, we couldn't do it without you!