Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Contact List

 CONGRATS! You made it! You did it! You are now on the 2019-20 Davis High School Girls Basketball Team! We want to thank you ladies for coming out to tryouts and to thank your parents, in advance, for the hard work they are about to put in as well. Now the fun (and work!) begins. Being a part of the Davis High team is no small accomplishment and with that comes a lot of responsibility. Being a part of a team takes commitment, dedication, unselfishness, grit, and sacrifice. We have full confidence in you girls and can't wait to get started!

Below you will find the link to the Contact List. PLEASE update your contact information with both the athlete's information AND a guardian's information. This year, we are trying to expect the unexpected with COVID regulations and possible game changes and we NEED to be able to get ahold of everyone. 

If you are a returner, please make sure everything is updated and correct. I still have some returners who haven't filled out their information at all. Thanks everyone!

Here is the link:

Contact List

Dinner Sign-Up Sheet

 Thank you everyone in advance for helping us out with dinners for the team! We can't say thank you enough. If there is any problem financially, please let us know and we can easily change things or help you out. We appreciate all of your support on this unique year. Below you can find the link to the Dinner Sign-Up Sheet via Google Sheets. Please put your name and a contact number we can use to contact you in case there is a mix up or something changes.

There are 5 games you can have 2 sets of parents sign up on, marked with an asterisk (only 5 because we have sisters! They get their own day!) Please only double up on the games that are designated as such. If you have not signed up for a day to do dinners on by the end of the day tomorrow, we will have to assign it to a family and tell your daughter which day it is.

Thanks again!

Here is the link:

Dinner Sign Up Sheet